Jeans For Genes Day – More Than Buying Badges!
On August 4th 2017 the nation will be working hard to raise money for The Children’s Medical Reasearch Institute through the anual Jeans For Jeans Day event.
The Jervis Bay Hearing Centre will be proudly contributing to this important cause by doing 2 great things:
- Selling Jeans For Genes merchandise in both the Vincentia and Ulladulla centre’s, and participating in the fun on Friday the 4th August, 2017!
- Running a facebook competition where we’ll be matching the prize value of $120 and donating to the cause on the 4th August!
So please join us in supporting this great cause by entering our facebook competition here and also by buying a badge or other merchandise items at any of our centre’s!
Let’s help the next generation grow up to be happy and healthy!
Each year, Australians unite by wearing their favourite jeans and outdoing each other with crazy denim outfits, and donating money or purchasing merchandise, to support genetic research.
On the first Friday in August each year workplaces, schools and streets become a sea of denim in a united stance against childhood disease.
Every dollar raised on the day helps scientists at Children’s Medical Research Institute discover treatments and cures, to give every child the opportunity to live a long and healthy life.
Most babies are born healthy, but sadly 1 in 20 children are born with a birth defect or genetic disease. On average, that’s one in every classroom.
Children’s Medical Research Institute is dedicated to finding ways to treat or prevent childhood cancer, epilepsy, birth defects and genetic diseases in order to create brighter futures for all children including those who are with us today & those yet to come in to this world.
Many major advances in children’s health have resulted from medical research including the demise of previously fatal illness like polio, smallpox & diphtheria so, together, we really can make a difference & give kids around the world the opportunity for a healthy start to life.
What they’ve accomplished in the last 20 years:
- Found a single genetic defect can cause cleft lip and palate
- Fate map of the early embryo to help us understand many developmental problems
- Identification of the components of telomerase, which will be important for treating 85% of all cancers
- Discovery of the Alternative Lengthening of Telomeres (ALT) mechanism, which can lead to treatments for the other 15% of cancers
- Developing a blood test for ALT cancers that will allow physicians to diagnose and plan treatments for cancers such as aggressive glioblastoma brain tumours
- Partnering with the Children’s Hospital Westmead on a cure for genetic liver disease, with clinical trials about to begin
- Discovering and developing a new class of drugs for treating epilepsy
What they plan to accomplish in the next 20 years:
- Develop epilepsy treatments that will help children (and adults) around the world
- Develop new treatments for kidney disease and diabetes
- Gene therapy cures for rare genetic diseases in children
- New treatments for infectious diseases
- Telomere research to help us understand predisposition to disease
- Find new and better treatments for every type of cancer
For more information, please visit