Free Hearing Checks

Do you think you have a hearing loss? There are many ways to check your hearing.

One of the best ways is to complete a hearing check. Beware of gimmicks in supermarkets or chemists. There is far too much background noise in those settings to give you a result you can rely on.

We offer a FREE appointment to check your hearing. The check is fast, fun and FREE. A hearing check only takes 15 minutes, is a small investment of your time and it can identify hearing loss. Alternatively, you can use our scientifically validated check on your computer or smartphone. You can take the test by clicking here.

Many people have a hearing loss which they are unaware of, or which requires little management. It is a myth that if you have a hearing loss you will require hearing aids! Hearing aids are only one way to treat hearing loss. It is important to identify hearing loss early and people who manage or treat their hearing loss early and appropriately do better than those who wait.

In Australia right now, hearing loss prevalence is greatest in the under 65 year old age group. Hearing loss has been made a national priority and contributes to a 18 billion dollar loss in productivity in Australia alone. Hearing is vital for safety, education, well-being.

At Jervis Bay Hearing Centre, we realise hearing helps shape who you are and how you live your life. We want to help you reach your potential. Our hearing support programs help you to manage a hearing loss so you can continue to connect with your family, friends and community and remain meaningful, spontaneous and connected. Let us help you to be the best person you can be


Arrange your
free hearing check

We offer a FREE appointment to check your hearing. The check is fast, fun and FREE. A hearing check only takes 15 minutes, is a small investment of your time and it can identify hearing loss.

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Marjorie’s Story

Better hearing has improved every aspect of my life, especially keeping in touch with friends and family.