Frequently Asked Questions

If you can’t find the answer to your question below, please get in touch with one of our friendly staff in Vincentia (4441 8886) or Ulladulla (4455 6000) 9am – 5pm Monday to Friday.

Contact a hearing centre

Where is my local Jervis Bay Hearing Centre?

JBHC has three locations, located in Vincentia, Ulladulla and Sussex Inlet. Click here to view address and map location.

How do I contact you?

You can contact us via phone on 02 4441 8886, or submit your details through the form on the contact us page and we will get in touch with you. 

How do I update my client details?

If you have changed your address, contact details or eligibility please call 02 4441 8886. Alternatively, you can fill out the contact us form.

How do I make an appointment?

Please give us a call on 02 4441 8886


Am I eligible for a voucher through the Australian Government Hearing Services Program?

You are eligible if you are an Australian citizen or a permanent resident and you meet the eligibility criteria. We provide services to aged pensioners and most veterans.

What is an Australian Government Services Program Voucher?

A voucher entitles eligible adults to obtain government-subsidised hearing services, which can include appropriate listening devices. See the voucher page for more information on how to apply.

I am not eligible for a government voucher. What are my other options for seeking assistance?

You can become a patient through: privately funded, Work Cover (insurance) & Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA)

Repairs / Batteries

How do I get my hearing aid repaired?

Jervis Bay Hearing offers repairs services for both government funded programs and private maintenance packages that include free batteries, cleaning of aids, wax filters, minor and major repairs.

Where do I get new batteries for my hearing aid?

Jervis Bay Hearing offers a variety of batteries products for both client and out of area patients

Hearing Aids

Do I have to pay for a hearing aid?

If you have a voucher under the Australian Government Hearing Services Program, Jervis Bay Hearing has a wide range of government-subsidised hearing devices available at no cost to you. An optional annual maintenance fee applies. If you choose a top-up hearing device with a higher level of technology and features, you will have to contribute towards the cost of that device.

Will a hearing aid restore my hearing back to normal?

Hearing devices benefit many people. However, no hearing device can restore your hearing to normal. The benefits depend on the degree of your hearing loss.

Will I become dependent on a hearing aid?

Do not be concerned about becoming dependent. A hearing device will help you communicate better and enjoy life more. Many people wonder how they ever managed without it.

Does it take long to get used to a hearing aid?

This will vary from person to person because every person is different. It takes some time to adjust to listening, and to hearing everything louder. Hearing devices amplify sounds. Following a conversation in a noisy place can be very difficult. With practice, listening can become an enjoyable experience again.

Would a top-up device benefit me?

Top-up devices have extra features. They are made in a range of styles and include the smallest hearing devices available on the market. These very small hearing devices can be difficult for some people to manage, or they may not suit the degree of your hearing loss. Your Audiologist will discuss with you the features and technology of the top-up hearing devices and give you professional advice as to how they may benefit you.

Where can I donate my hearing aid to be recycled?

You can deposit your aid at any Jervis Bay Hearing Centre to be recycled.


Arrange your
free hearing check

We offer a FREE appointment to check your hearing. The check is fast, fun and FREE. A hearing check only takes 15 minutes, is a small investment of your time and it can identify hearing loss.

Also in this section

Device Maintenance

Do you need help with a few maintenance processes such as changing your batteries, or cleaning? Are you interested in seeing how your hearing devices

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Hear what our clients
have to say about us

Marjorie’s Story

Better hearing has improved every aspect of my life, especially keeping in touch with friends and family.